About us


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Provide an authentic way to explore the vibrant island nation Sri Lanka


Become a social enterprise that empowers the lives of locals

Story Behind

In Sri Lanka, at least 1 million locals livelihoods depend on tuktuks. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the tuktuk transportation industries were collapsed many tuktuk drivers lost their source of income. The need to find a better and quicker solution to recover the income of tuktuk drivers and families and stable their livelihoods were raised.

Tourism contributes 24% of GDP in Sri Lanka. Attracting TukTuk divers to the ever-growing tourism field in Sri Lanka was a sound idea. This idea had the potential to empower the lives of tuktuk drivers and their families while providing tourists with an authentic way to explore the colours of Sri Lanka.

By turning this idea into reality, the P&K Enterprises launch their Social Enterprise arm as the tuktuk-rental.com.